The Ontario School of Universal Energy

Guided Meditations

with Randi

Join Randi as she guides you through various forms of healing meditation. Using mindful breathing techniques, kundalini energy, reiki infused healing, sound bathing, & energy harnessing, Randi will help you to reach a state of inner peace and mind-body-soul healing.

Through the use of guided meditation and technology, Virya - The Ontario School of Universal Energy; and Instructor Randi, Have been helping hundreds of students throughout the world find their inner balance, and power. Randi's guided meditations help you to access a deeper universal human awareness, while allowing the mind to be at ease.

Please look through our guided meditations to see what works for you, or email us if you would like to book a session.

The Ontario school of universal energy

Full Moon Meditations

The full moon heightens the activity of the mind, amplifying conscious thoughts as well as pulling sub-conscious ones to the surface of our conscious mind. This can awaken one's spirituality, making it particularly beneficial to participate in a full moon meditation.
Join us as we harness the energy of the full moon to power our meditations in a heightened way. You will find great healing power in these meditation of honouring this magnificent light source. The full moon is a great time to release the things in your life that have been negatively impacting you as well as acknowledge what you have achieved and are grateful for since the previous full moon. Meditating during the full moon provides an opportunity to connect deeply with our inner wisdom and with nature.
Please have a look at our Monthly Schedules for our next Full Moon Meditation!
the ontario school of universal energy

Reiki Infused Meditation

Reiki is a form of energy healing. Founded in the early 20th century by Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist, it is known as Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki. It is a practice of healing through hand placements on the body. Reiki means the unification of universal and vital life energy. Achieving this connection can bring a sensation of inner peace.
Join Randi, a Reiki Master & Guided Meditation Teacher, as she incorporates Reiki energy into healing meditation. Learn about different Reiki hand placements you can use at home, as well the symbols needed to transcend time & space.
Please have a look at our Monthly Schedules for our next Reiki infused Meditation, or contact us to schedule your own!
the ontario school of energy

Meditation Reviews

  • “I was able to release things I’ve been holding onto for over 20 years!” - Jon 2024
  • “Randi is able to take you different parts do your mind and body for ultimate healing and connecting” - Saran 2024
  • “Meditations with Randi has completely changed my life! Her voice is so soothing and takes you away.” - Melissa 2023
  • “Randi has shown me how we can heal ourselves. Through her breath work and meditations I have been able to overcome a serious addiction and mental health issue.” - Tracey 2023
  • “My last meditation with Randi was very hypnotic and allowed me to release a lot of built of grief, I feel so much better.” - Denise 2022
  • "Randi has been working with me, to heal traumas from my ancestors, as well as work on my own traumas. She has helped to heal so many different areas of my spiritual and physical self. I look forwards to continuing our work." - Christina - 2021
  • "I just did the last kundalini meditation and my sacral area is throbbing!! Thank you so much!" - Elizabeth Kishook - 2021
  • "Thank you for this meditation I was vibrating by the time we were done. I am looking so forward to the next session. In light & Love" - Dawn - 2020
  • "I'm so thankful for these meditations" - Cari - 2020